Thursday, February 10, 2011

Modyfikacja I Tuning N96

to jealousy

Cultural Association "Friends of the Theatre" by Noicattaro
Presents: "A jealous" of Rita Tagarelli
Noicattaro many years lived a period not so black as that is flowing before our eyes: a deep political crisis because the city's commissioner lobby local politicians can not agree on private building projects. Astronomical debts accumulated by previous administrations to finance the sectors of activity productive. The agricultural economy based on many years of tents, table grapes now showing signs of terminal crisis. A series of inexplicable fatal events that affect the very young, forever torn embrace of their families ...
And so in this context is so difficult to live community nojana trying to find herself in a comedy in the vernacular "to jealousy," represented at the institute S. Augustine by the group Friends of the Theatre. Tagarelli Written by Rita, the work unfolds for about two hours, said in a proposal for an enjoyable outlet Rutigliano on the feast of St. Antonio Abate. The refusal of the call generates a number endless confusion all played on the eternal rivalry between the community and nojana rutiglianese and symbol of the holiday gift of S. Antonio, the whistle.
The plot is developed in an extraordinary way accompanied by the interpretation of the actors who personify the admirable characters from the country as reflected in the dialect that, in these cases makes the thickness of the roles and situations represented. At the end of the show, between smiles and applause from the large audience that a month or so attend performances, Rita Tagarelli, the author of the play, has had occasion to emphasize the importance of dialect in which the community finds the ' expression Intimate their way of life and its traditions. The dialect, he said, can not be discriminated against in this moment of celebration of the unification of Italy because someone claims that divides the country: there are other reasons why today Italy is struggling to be recognized as a nation! Vito Didonna


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


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